Online Conference
Dynamic Competition Initiative | Launch Event
online The DCI launch was an open, virtual event where we discussed Dynamism, Competition, and the key principles, commitments, and activities of our Initiative. Below is the agenda: Welcome and Introduction Bowman Heiden (UC-Berkeley and UGOT) Thibault Schrepel (VU Amsterdam and Stanford) Session 1, Dynamism?…
US Draft Merger Guidelines: Perspectives from the Industry
onlineDCI Comments on Draft Merger Guidelines 2023 – Submission by Bowman Heiden, Filip Lubinski, Nicolas Petit, Thibault Schrepel, 2023
Online event: Competition & Innovation
onlineEMPIRICAL EVIDENCE:INNOVATION & COMPETITION The Dynamic Competition Initiative is pleased to share the recording of our online event entitled “Innovation & Competition”. We presented our latest research on the interplay between competition and innovation, including a systematic literature review and new evidence. Frederic Jenny, Chair of…
DCI Webinar | Situating Dynamic Competition: An Evolution Beyond Chicago
DCI Webinar | Gen AI: Law & Policy Issues