Asta Pundzienė
University of California, Berkeley
Brief info
Asta is a visiting scholar at the Institute of Business Innovation, Haas Business School, UC Berkeley since October 2018. She is a full professor in Strategic management and organisational psychology in the School of Economics and Business, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania. Asta has more than 15 years of experience in executive management of research and innovation at different Universities serving as a Dean and Vice-President of Research and Innovation. She is actively involved in different strategic policy groups as well as is a member of European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) and served as Vice-President for the last three years.
Her current research interests cover digital healthcare management, strategic and technology management, open innovations and other related topics. Since 2014, she has more than 30 publications, a number of EU and national research projects, including Centre of Excel lence in Science and Technology for Healthy Ageing (HEALTH-TECH) financed by the European Commission and since 2018, she is leading the research project „Comparative empirical research of dynamic capabilities of Remote Patient Management (RPM) services and disruptive innovations in healthcare ecosystem“. Since 1997, she has developed her academic competence at Amsterdam Free University, The Netherlands; Uppsala University, Sweden; Heidelberg University, Germany and Sheffield University, UK; Harvard Business School, USA; Judge Business School at Cambridge University, UK; Stanford University and Stanford Research Institute (SRI), USA, etc.